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The Person Behind the Blog

Firstly, since I have at least ten loyal readers, I thought I'd say hi. And thank you. It means the world to me that anyone would look at my blog.

I don't know who you loyal readers are, but thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I just wanted to write a post about me because the bio section probably goes unnoticed and everyone should know who runs this blog.
That's me, last summer with Michael Urie who is the first gay icon of my life. So let me tell you, I go by McCartha online because I hate my real name. My real name that my parents for some reason gave me is Jazzmin. But please, unless you know me in real life, don't call me Jazzmin. I hate that name with every atom of my being. And I'm actually very much thinking of legally changing my name.

I was born in Brooklyn, New York on February 28th, 1997. That makes me twenty-one years old as of me writing this in 2018. And by the way, I am 21 and still cannot spell February to save my life. Shout out to Grammarly for pointing that out. Not sponsored, but please sponsor my blog. I have used Grammarly for nearly all of my posts in 2018. They help me out so much.

Anyway, I lived in Brooklyn with my parents and my older brother until 2001. Then we moved out of New York to another state that I won't share on my blog because we still live here. I was four years old. Then in 2002 my little brother was born. I was a gal stuck smack dab in the middle of two boys. Quickly let's get my gender out of the way. Biologically I am a female, but I consider myself non-binary, but I don't care about pronouns. Call my Pennywise for all I care.

My family is Puerto Rican on both sides, but we also have some Italian down the line and probably a lot of other ethnicities. I should do 23AndMe - still not sponsored, but I wouldn't be mad if they wanted to sponsor me.

Despite being of Puerto Rican descent, I cannot speak Spanish. I can understand some Spanish, but mostly I'm just very Americanized. AND YES, Puerto Rico is a US Territory so Puerto Ricans are Americans and our government dropped the ball after Hurricane Maria. Come at me, President Trump.

I am neither Democrat nor Republican. I think both parties suck.

I grew up in a religious household. Went to church every Sunday. When I was old enough I went to youth group every Friday. I will honestly say that growing up in a religious household messed me up a bit. It's not my parents' fault. They did what they thought was best.

I am queer. I am not going to give it a more specific label because no. Labels suck. I am a human who is attracted to other humans. That's all you need to know about me.

Fun fact about me: I kissed a girl in second grade under a table in the cafeteria.

I was a troubled kid. I dealt with internalized homophobia until I was thirteen and then I became an ally. I didn't want to accept that I was gay. And sometimes my family would crack jokes about me being gay and I was so defensive about it.

I didn't accept that I was gay until I was seventeen. Thank you, Jennifer Lopez and Nicole Scherzinger, for helping me realize and accept it. Nicole Scherzinger is actually my first ever girl crush. Way back when The Pussycat Dolls were still a thing. True story.

I didn't come out to my parents until I was eighteen and two months away from going away for college. If you want, I will do a whole coming out story in a later blog post.

I'll be honest and say I didn't come out fully to my parents at first and I actually very recently did, this year.

Honestly, my relationship with my mom has always been strained. It's pretty decent now, but there are still some things we disagree on. She's still not fully accepting that I am queer, but it's gotten better.

I went away for college for a year and a half. I studied history and theater. I met my best friends in college. I only left because college is an expensive scam.

I am now a college drop out trying to figure everything out. And I blog about a lot of things. Mostly music.

If you enjoy what I post I have a Patreon where you can help support me. You can find that link here. If you can't donate anything, I understand. I guarantee that most of my money made from this blog and Patreon is probably going to go to other creator's Patreons. Mostly the Andy Show, if I'm being honest.

I also made a thing so you can send in some suggestions for what you want me to post! That link is here.

I will talk about most things on this blog pertaining to entertainment. I will never discuss politics unless I feel strongly about something.

If you want to follow me on any of my social media I have Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr. Every account is linked in the @
@McCarthaEvita - The only Twitter I use
@drink_to_me - My main Instagram that I use daily
@goodnite.socialite - Where I go to scream about bands
@McCarthaEvita - I make cute edits sometimes!
@The-Invisible-Queer - My main Tumblr blog where I post daily
@i-was-only-dancing - I post music daily and it's all kind of music.
@NothingButPoison - My aesthetic blog
@decembers-tragedie - Where I go to scream about bands. Similar to my Instagram
@McCarthaEvita - Similar to the Instagram, where I post edits I make

Thank you so much for coming to my blog and reading and supporting me. Every single view means the world to me. So thank you.


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