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My Reaction to Panic! at the Disco's Performance of "Bohemian Rhapsody" at the AMA's

FIRSTLY, I wasn't planning on having another music post, but I just need to talk about Panic! at the Disco's cover of "Bohemian Rhapsody" at the AMA's. I was going to write a blog post about Her, one of my favorite movies, but this is more important at the moment.

The reason that this is being posted on Thursday and not Wednesday is because I post my writing on Wednesdays. But I am writing this Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.

It was the first time I saw Mike perform with the band and WE STAN. Welcome to the band, bud.

This is not going to be a super long post, but I did want to give my reaction to the performance because if you've seen my post last Friday about Panic! at the Disco, you know they're one of my favorite bands. You can find that post here.
The performance is inserted above, in case you haven't seen it yet.

I am a HUGE fan of Queen and have written two previous posts (you can find them here and here) about them and have many more planned. They are one of my favorite bands of all time.

I am not a big fan of covers. I have admitted this openly. The only exception to this is everything Postmodern Jukebox releases - there will be a post about them in the future.

However, despite my skepticism of all covers, I love Panic! at the Disco's cover of "Bohemian Rhapsody". I have been a fan of it as long as it's been a thing. I don't know when they started covering it live, but I know I found an audio clip of it on Tumblr and I was sold.

Brendon Urie's vocals are one of the best in the world. Of course, he is not better than Freddie Mercury - who in my opinion is the greatest singer of all time - but Brendon is good. That is a fact.

I was waiting for this specific performance to hit YouTube because I don't have cable or any way to watch it live. I was not disappointed. I wasn't expecting to be disappointed because I trust this band. I trust Panic! at the Disco with my life.

But I have to say this performance blew me away.

Let's talk about Brendon's vocals. How can we not? That man has more talent in his vocal chords alone than I have in my entire body. Also, the band's backing vocals are really good. I have no actual words than everyone did great.

I was getting so hyped when I watched this performance the first time, that my heart was racing. But that's normal. Panic! at the Disco makes my heart go waaaah. They always have and they always will. I love this band so much.

MIKE'S GUITAR WAS SO GOOD! Gotta show love to the new guy. But also he's so talented. Not that Panic's past guitarists weren't talented. BUT MIKE! Please understand that I always get attached to a member of Panic randomly. Firs,t it was Spencer, then Dallon and now it's Mike. I just think he's a real talented fellow. And deserves all my love and support. In full-fledged fan way. This is not a celebrity crush obsession. I just genuinely think this man is talented and I wasn't ready. Not that I was ever doubting him, because like I said I trust Panic! with my life and trust their decision to bring him on. And it was a great decision.

Now that I've pledged my undying love and support for Mike to the internet, let's get back to the performance itself.

I LOVED the video in the background that was all four members singing the operatic part. I assume it was a tribute to the original music video. The entire performance was a tribute to Queen. But that specific part was like the operatic part in the music video.

BIG shout out to Nicole Row and Dan Pawlovich because I haven't talked about them yet and I love them. They both did amazing. Insert all of the "you're doing amazing, sweetie" memes here.

I don't know how to talk about music. I just can tell you that the vocals and the guitar were really good. I have no music vocabulary.

I love this new "version" of Panic! at the Disco. I am so happy and my heart is full of love for this band tonight. I mean my heart is always full of love for this band. But this performance was so good.

A big congrats on the AMA win, too! Honestly, wasn't expecting them to win because GREAT talent often goes unnoticed especially in today's society - see this year's Grammy wins.

Overall, it was all amazing. I really enjoyed it. Watch it, if you haven't yet. Support this band. Go listen and buy "Pray for the Wicked" if you haven't yet.


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