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Fangirl Friday: Panic! at the Disco


Anyway, since last week I screamed about Palaye Royale, who is my favorite band right now today I am going to scream about the band that held that #1 spot for the past ten years: Panic! at the Disco.
Heads up: I am NOT going to talk about the situation with former touring member, Kenneth Harris, in this post, but if you want me to discuss it in a later post leave a comment because I have a lot to say about that and I've stayed pretty quiet about it.

I don't even know the year I first found this band. I just remember sitting in the back seat of my dad's Honda Civic and hearing "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" on the radio for the first time and falling in love with Brendon Urie's voice. I wrote about why he's one of my favorite singers in a recent post you can find here.

Let's be real, this might be a super long post. If it is, I am sorry.
 Brendon Urie, Beebo, and Mr. Disco
Please tell me if you laughed at that caption or not. I tried. I know Panic! still brands as a band, but right now it's just my Lord and Savior, Brendon Urie. But I'll include the body count since I do in all of my posts about bands.
Brendon Urie (Vocals, guitar, piano, keyboards,
bass, drums, all of the above)

Former (Official) Members:
Ryan Ross (Guitar, vocals, piano)
Spencer Smith (Drums)
Jon Walker (Bass)
Dallon Weekes (Bass)
Brent Wilson (Bass)
Then we have the touring members who to me are part of the band so we'll include them:
Current (Touring) Members:
Dan Pawlovich (Drums)
Nicole Row (Bass)

And Kenneth Harris who recently left/was dropped. I'm not going to not mention him. He was part of the touring band.

It's messy, I was originally just going to write that it was just Brendon, but that would be a disservice to the former members and now the touring members. And I know I didn't include ALL touring members. I'm not saying they don't deserve credit. I just don't know all of them.

As I am writing this post, I am also saving photos and the lack of photos of Dallon Weekes in the Panic! search - I know he's not a member anymore - is heartbreaking. I'm seeing Dallon and his new band in a month so expect a post about him SOON.
(L to R): Ryan Ross, Jon Walker, Brendon Urie, Spencer Smith
Let's get into their music. Here is their discography:
Studio Albums:
A Fever You Can't Sweat Out (2005)
Pretty. Odd. (2008)
Vices & Virtues (2011)
Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die (2013)
Death of a Bachelor (2016)
Pray for the Wicked (2018)
Live Albums:
...Live in Chicago (2008)
All My Friends, We're Glorious: Death of a Bachelor Live (2017)

I plan to "review" every album on this blog. And by review, I mean scream about how much I love every album.
(L to R) Dallon Weekes, Brendon Urie, Kenneth Harris
This is the only photo with Dallon I could find at the moment.
Let me actually talk about why Panic! at the Disco became my favorite band and why they mean a lot to me. After listening to "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" for the first time I fell in love with Brendon's voice and the band's sound, but I didn't know who they were because it was a song on the radio. Then I saw the music video for "The Ballad of Mona Lisa" in 2011. I was a Freshman in high school and that is when my love and obsession with Panic! at the Disco really started. After watching "The Ballad of Mona Lisa" video, I crushed on Brendon for a hot while. That was the real reason I first became a fan of Panic!. Because I thought Brendon was cute. I'm not going to lie. I was 14/15 years old at the time.
"The Ballad of Mona Lisa" music video
I missed out on Ryan and Jon in the band, but I became a fan when Spencer and Dallon were still in the band. I still love all of them and support all of them in their life post Panic!. And I still support Brendon and I am a fan of the touring members too.

In 2012, my grandfather passed away and it was the first death in my family who I was close to and at the funeral, I remember shutting down and sitting in the back with my headphones on and listening to Panic! non-stop. Mostly Pretty. Odd. at that time because I loved the melodies. To this day I can't listen to "When the Day Met The Night" without thinking of the funeral and getting a rush of certain unwelcome emotions.
Iconic radio performance of "New Perspective"
I really fell in love with this band and specifically, Spencer became my favorite member. I just loved him. It wasn't even a celebrity crush though. I just felt that he was neglected by everyone who was in love with Brendon so I was like we stan Spencer now. He was actually the first of many celebrities who I called "my smol son". I still feel protective and get defensive if anyone says anything about him.

Panic! performed a New Year's Eve show in Vegas and I remember watching it on TV and being concerned why Spencer wasn't performing that night and I googled it, but nothing came up. It must have been 2015 New Years, because I know a few months later the band announced that Spencer left the band. At the time I did not follow the band as closely as I do now because back then I didn't know how. So I had not known that he had dropped off the tour or anything. But I remember being sad about him leaving.

But I still keep up with him and when he got engaged I cried because his happiness means so much to me and when he got married I was so happy to see all the photos people were posting. 

LET ME BE HONEST REAL QUICK! During this time I did not know that Dallon was an actual main member until 2013ish, I saw him during performances, but I figured since the band was just Spencer and Brendon, of course, they needed other people to play when they were live.

What brought Dallon to my attention was an "imagine" post on Instagram about Dallon picking up his daughter from pre-school or kindergarten - something to thar affect - and me being a sucker for dad types was all "AWWWW". Insert all the heart emojis. And ever since I saw that post and followed Dallon on Instagram, We stan and I have supported him and I'm seeing him live in a month and I can't wait. THE THOUGHT OF SEEING DALLON WEEKES LIVE RELEASES ALL THE HAPPY CHEMICALS MY MONKEY BRAIN HAS BEEN LACKING FOR TEN YEARS.
We stan.
I promise to write a whole post about my love and appreciation for Dallon because when I say we stan I mean we STAN. He's one of my favorite people in the world. It'll probably be just one long essay on why everyone should love and support him, but it's coming.
Panic performing "High Hopes"

By the way, yes I was sad about Dallon leaving Panic!, but I love I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME with all my soul so I'm over his departure from Panic!.

As of 2018, I think Panic! is in a good place. I think Brendon is doing amazing. I just love this band so much.

Brendon Urie's talent is unmatched. I do consider him one of my heroes. I think he is amazing and even though he's on his own and us fans crack jokes about him losing band members, in reality, he's doing great.

But with that being said, can I admit that I almost cried in the "High Hopes" video when Brendon got on the roof and it was the touring band - WHICH IN MY OPINION SHOULD MEAN THAT THEY ARE THE BAND NOW, but I guess it doesn't. I don't know how that whole thing works.

I'm sorry there was so much screaming in this post. I just love this band so much and it's former, current and touring members.

As I do for all bands this is when I say my favorite song, my least favorite song and I give them a rating out of ten.

Favorite Song: "Roaring 20s"
Least Favorite Song: I don't have one
Favorite Album: Pretty. Odd.
Rate: 100/10 Would recommend

I love this band so much and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for them. I hope to one day. Before you say anything about me not talking about Brendon enough, I am saving it for another post. He deserves his own post.

Since I'm posting this in October it's only appropriate to end the post with this:
Happy spooops!


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