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Showing posts from 2019

Let's Talk About the Best Album of 2019

Happy New Year's Eve! Its the last day of the year and the last day of the decade (2009-2019). I thought I'd talk about my favorite album of the year. I would have done if the decade but I couldn't choose one. This year has been such an amazing year for music. I thought 2018 couldn't be topped, but I was so wrong. My choice for best album of 2019 is Machine Gun Kelly's Hotel Diablo. This is my most played album of the year. Its SO good. I love it so much. Its full of bops and it hits home for me, personally. This year has been hard regarding family. I very much related to alot of the subject matter on this album. I won't do a track by track because then the post will be way too long but if you're interested in my Kinda Review of it let me know. I'm not the biggest fan of rap. I listen to Kendrick Lamar and Childish Gambino mostly. I was never into MGK. Even when all the stuff with Eminem was happening I didn't pay him any attention. Howeve

Kinda Review of Disney+'s Noelle

Heyo! Happy Holidays! This is the first post that was kind of requested. I put up a poll on my Twitter [@McCartheEvita] and the only vote was my reaction to Noelle. I still don't have WiFi. Went all 2019 without WiFi. Its been a year but I kept up this blog somewhat. Noelle is a Disney+ original. If you don't have Disney+ I'm sorry. You should get it if you can afford it. My mom got it as an early Christmas gift for me because I have been dying for it since it was announced. This post will include spoilers so if you haven't seen Noelle and don't want to know how it ends go check out another one of my posts. I have many. Let me start off by saying I am not the biggest Anna Kendrick fan so when I first saw the banner for it on the Disney+ app I wasn't planning on watching it. I don't dislike her. I just don't care for her. But then I saw a banner with Bill Hader whom I love with all my soul. I used to get teased for liking him because he was just

Why "Baby, It's Cold Outside" Should Be Left Alone

Heyo! Happy Holidays! I hope everyone is doing well and in good health. I wish I had more inspiration and motivation to write and post more, but alas, I do not. As 2019 is almost over, I have survived an entire year without Wi-Fi in my home. Most of the posts this year have been posted from my phone or from a public spot with Wi-Fi so I'll admit it's not my best. Even this post is being written at a Dunkin' Donuts. So no pics this time. Sorry. Welcome to the capitalist hell that is the United States of America. Anyway, I am not here to complain about my country. At least not in this post. I am here to defend the very controversial song of the past, "Baby, It's Cold Outside". Before you SJW crack your knuckles to blow me out of the water and try to tell me how the song is problematic, read what I have to say first. I am open to a civil discussion on this, but only if it's civil. Any hostility will be ignored. Mostly because it'll send me into a p

Casually Screaming About Shane Dawson Series and Makeup Palette

Let me start off by apologizing for the lack of photos in this post. I still do not have Wi-Fi and I am still posting from my phone. Sprint has unfortunately stopped allowing me to upload photos to add to my posts. Sprint sucks and I can't wait to change carriers. But anyway let's talk about Shane Dawson's series on YouTube and his makeup palette. I am not into make-up at all. I am a non-binary person of the female sex but I have only worn makeup three times in my 22 years of life. At two weddings I was bridesmaid for and for my prom which was a total bust because I cried all my make-up off before I even got to the venue. Now that you have learned I am unqualified to talk about makeup let's talk about Shane's series. I have mentioned my love for Shane in a past blog, but I shall reiterate. I have been watching him on YouTube since I was ten. He got me through middle school and high school. Convinced me through a skit video to stay alive and I do credit him as on

Casually Screaming About Rocketman

Its been a minute. Hi! I have returned. Thank you so much for the well reception of the last post sbout Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. I was blown away. Still don't have Wi-Fi. I wanted to add pictures but I couldn't so I'm sorry. I saved so many for this but it wouldn't load. Today, I'm screaming about Rocketman , a film inspired by the "true fantasy" that is Sir Elton John's life. If your a regular reader of this blog you know I have a soft spot for classic rock and older rockstars. Elton is no exception. I have loved him for as long as I've been alive. I cannot recall a time I didn't listen to his music. I was excited for Rocketman  from the first time I watched the first trailer. I say first time because I showed it to my whole family and then some. I was excited because its a musical movie about Elton John and he's played by Taron Egerton who I've been a fan of for YEARS! The film chronicles Elton's life from his child

Screaming About Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina

I wasn't feeling well and unable to sleep so I decided to finish binging Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina" on Netflix. And I just need to rant/vent/scream/cry about it. Also I'm still posting from my phone so don't expect man - if any - pictures in this post. THIS POST HAS SPOILERS OF SEASONS 1 AND 2 YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!! So I finished season 2 of CAOS and I have so many feelings. I love this show. Firstly, I have to applaud the cast. They did an amazing job bringing these characters to life. I never read the comics, but I do have fond memories of the 90s TV show. I will say though the writing is a bit rough to get through. It wasn't my favorite show dialogue-wise. It took me a while to get through because sometimes the writing was just lacking. It dragged. But other than that I loved the show. It made me consider watching Riverdale - which I have issues with. My favorite character hands down is Ambrose. Chance Perdomo did a good job making him ch

My Reaction to Waterparks New Song, "[Reboot]"

My blog is becoming just a music blog. Welp. I listen to music more than anything else so its only right. Yesterday, Waterparks dropped a new song called "[reboot]" and based off the overall reaction I thought I'd write about it. I couldn't listen to it when it dropped because my dad just had hip surgery so I've had a lot on my plate recently. But I finally got to listen to it today and I have thoughts! First off, if you're new to my blog I am a HUGE Waterparks fan. Got to see them last November and I have been keeping up with them since I became a fan last Summer. They quickly became one of my favorite bands. I wrote about them and their last album last year. Anyway let's talk about their newest song. Its called "[Reboot]" and holy crap I am amazed. It is SO good. I absolutely love it with all my heart. Every song they have released off Fandom so far has been great. A real bop. The pre-chorus is amazing. The flow is so good. Hands do

Untitled 11 [Writing #27]

This is from an old fanfiction I wrote a long time ago. I'm plagiarizing myself. Not really because I changed a little. Its untitled. I debated calling it queer fluff, but that didn't fit it well. So here it is! Fair warning there is some strong language in this one. James stood in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. He was listening to the radio as he did every morning. "I Saw Her Standing There" by the Beatles started playing, making him smile. He began singing along. "Well when I was just seventeen You know what I mean And the way she looked was way beyong compare How could I-" Just when he was getting into the song someone yelled, making him lower the volume. "What was that?" He asked, loudly. "Turn that shit off!" It was Winston. James laughed and kept the radio on low. He began humming the song when a young woman with massive bed head wandered into the kitchen wearing nothing but an ocersized shirt James had lent her. &

The Boy [Writing #26]

I'm publishing my writing again! Is it a good thing or a bad thing? The world may never know. This one was originally written as part of a fanfiction I wrote in high school, but I changed it a bit. But kudos to anyone who can figure out who it was originally written about. Here is "The Boy". No relations to the horror film starring Rupert Evans, though I actually enjoyed the film. She looked at the little boy. Everything about the child reminded her of his father. From his hazel eyes to his smile to the way he walked. Even those damn eyebrows Brooke loved. But where was James? She hadn't seen him since she left Clarksville all those years ago. He had begged her to stay, but how could she? To him she was just his mistress and that's all she'd ever be if she stayed. She needed to get out for herself and for her son. There was nothing she wouldn't do for Bobby. Including leaving the city she called home her whole life. She wanted to give him a chance

Happy Birthday Paul!

Today is Sir James Paul McCartney's 77th birthday! He was born in 1942 in Liverpool, England. You may know him as half of Lennon-McCartney and the bassist of the Beatles or for his solo career. Or you might know him from that Kanye West and Rihanna song. Yeah. That one. He has been, still is and will always be one of my favorite people. He is where my name McCartha came from. I was so obsessed wity him in high school someone just started calling me McCartha and as you know I have claimed that name for my writing and everything I do on the internet. And yes, I was obsessed with him and still have a lot of love and respect for him despite our 55 year age gap. Paul with John Lennon's son, Julian But I just wanted to write a quick post about him because as I said, he's one of my favorite people in the world. For many reasons. The first and most important being this the man that made me fall in love with music. Maybe one of these days I'll publish my colleg


Heyo! I hope anyone who has read/kept up with this blog is doing well! I know its been a while since my last post. I still don't have WiFi at home which makes writing these posts hard. I am trying to at least post from my phone, but it's tedious and I don't like it. I rather type on my laptop than on my phone. I rediscovered some old writings of mine and some I'd like to share as one-shots/short stories. I just have to do a lot of editing. But at least I'll be posting something on this blog instead of letting it go dead for weeks at a time. For now I am going to try to post once a week. I have so many things I want to write about but I can't do a good enough post on my phone, hence why the Set It Off posts have been SUPER postponed. I hope my writing will suffice for now. Just to keep this blog alive. I haven't been writing much recently due to the worst writer's block I have ever experienced in my life. Also not to mention I'm going

My Reaction to Waterparks New Song "Turbulent"

ITS HERE!!! I was not planning on posting this today but the hype is REAL! Cover Photo for "Turbulent" Waterparks has dropped their new song "Turbulent" this morning. Awsten Knight, the band's lead singer, has been teasing the song for what feels like forever. He teased the song in a livestream and I've had it stuck in my head since then. By the way his new hair color is green. We stan the leprechaun king. I absolutely love this song. It has been on repeat since it dropped this morning. I don't think I'll ever stop listening to it. This post will not be super long since I am typing it on my phone, but I'll try my best to do this song justice. If you'd like a Kinda Review of it, I will gladly do one. I will now scream about some of my favorite highlights from the song: Starting with the opening lines: "You had your own Pete Wentz and Patrick combined/Writing you songs/And singing them all like/Every single day".

I Challenge Awsten Knight to a Duel

Disclaimer: This is all fun and games. This post is not t o be taken seriously. I don't hate Awsten Knight. I have no beef with him. I am actually big fan of Awsten and Waterparks. Shout out to everyone on Instagram who encouraged me to post this finally. Hello. It's been a while since I posted anything. Let me tell you what's been on my mind recently: I have beef. I have beef with Awsten Constantine Knight. I am declaring us enemies. Right here. Right now on the internet. Awsten is a coward. There I said it. He is a coward. I went to the Nov. 11 show of the Entertainment tour. I, as well as other fans, waited outside the tour bus in hopes to meet some of our idols. It was freezing cold and late, but we didn't care. We knew it would be worth it if anyone came out to say hi. Geoff Wingington and Otto Wood - Awsten's bandmates, came out. They were super sweet and Geoff gave everyone a hug. Even Dallon Weekes and Ryan Seaman of I DON'T KNOW H

Andy Biersack Underwent Surgery

I know it's been a while and this is an alarming title. But don't worry. The singer, Andy Biersack - also known by his stagename, Andy Black - is a-okay. He had to get his appendix removed after it had ruptured. Fortunately, everything went smoothly and he is recovering. Stating on Twitter: "Just got out of surgery to remove my ruptured appendix, happy to report the procedure went very well & I should be back up on my feet in no time! Thanks for all of your kindness & support PS seeing all of the love you guys are showing for “The Promise” means the world to me!" Accompanied is this photo of him giving a thumbs up: He also posted a few other photos from the hospital to his Instagram Story. Including a photo of him pre-surgery and a photo with his wife, Juliet Simms.                 I know I'm not a news blog, but I haven't posted in so long and I figured this would be an easy quick post so at least there's something up. I h

My Reaction to "rainy days in LA" by adam&Steve and Waterparks

I am super late at responding to this song. I still don't have WiFi so this post is being typed on my phone. If this goes well I'll be able to post more. Let me be honest, as much as I love Waterparks, I did not listen to this song when it first came out. Mostly because I did not like that Awsten's voice had any autotune because he doesn't need any. At least I don't think so. But I finally caved and I really do like this song. It's not a song that I would listen to had it not had Waterparks tied to it. I'm not the biggest fan of pop music, but this song is actually really good. Check out the song here. Reminder I'm doing this from my phone so I can't insert links like normal. I linked the Spotify link for the song. I have to talk about Awsten's voice. You know I love his voice. I'm pretty sure I've talked about loving his voice enough in past Waterparks posts. His voice is great. The man's got a pretty voice. The song is a heart

My Reaction to Twenty One Pilot's "Chlorine" Music Video

We got the video for Twenty One Pilot's song "Chlorine" and today's post is me writing about and "reacting" to it. I know I still haven't posted my Kinda Review of Trench , but I promise I will finish it and have it out soon. I'd have to say that "Chlorine" is probably my most played song off Trench. When I found out we were getting a music video for it, I was so happy. As you may or may not know I am a music video nerd. I love music videos so much. Let's talk about "Chlorine". And by talk I mean I write, you read and if you want we can discuss in the comments. I very much appreciated the video. We were introduced to Ned and I want a Ned plush so badly. He is so cute and I love him. The video starts with Josh and Tyler standing at a pool. Josh is filling the pool with a hose. Maybe they're pool boys. I'm not here to get into any theories about the video but feel free to share your theories in the comments. T

Casually Screaming About Brandon Rogers

It's been a long time since I last posted a "Casually Screaming" post. I thought I'd take a break from writing about music and write about something else that consumes my life, YouTube. I watch YouTube almost as much as I listen to music. One of my favorite YouTubers is Brandon Rogers. If you read my " The Only YouTubers I Watch Religiously " post, you'll remember Brandon ranked #3. WARNING: EVERY VIDEO IN THIS POST IS OFFENSIVE - VIEW AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION I got into his videos either my junior or senior year of high school. I believe that the first video I saw was Mad Tea Party , his Alice in Wonderland parody. For some reason "Take your chair with you!" is the one quote from that whole video that stuck out to me. When I briefly had my Brandon fan account on Instagram, it was my username. Of course, I had previously seen memes and vines of clips from his videos such as "Try me, bitch" and the one where he bangs his head

My Reaction to Palaye Royale's "Dying in a Hot Tub" Music Video

As you may or may not know, I got into a few new bands in 2018. Palaye Royale was one of them and they quickly beat out Panic! at the Disco as my favorite band. Which is saying a lot because Panic! has been my favorite band for the past ten years. I did a Kinda Review of Palaye Royale's album Boom Boom Room (Side B) in October, which was kindly shared by the band on their Twitter which I appreciate so much. Today, I'm writing about the music video for their song, "Dying in a Hot Tub". It finally came out and as I mentioned in the Kinda Review post, I really love this song. I'm pretty sure"Dying in a  Hot Tub" has been my most played song from Boom Boom Room (Side B) . As I have said, Palaye Royale fully encompasses my aesthetic and this video was no exception. I watched the video a few times so this is no longer a reaction and more like a review. But to keep my blog organized, I am not changing the title. The video opens with a logo similar to

Kinda Review: Impending Bloom - Jon Walker EP

I wanted to spend more time on this EP, because it's a good EP and I didn't want the Kinda Review to be done rushed. Hence why it is out very much after I thought I'd have it done by. Also, I didn't have WiFi once again so that halted me finishing this post. As with all my Kinda Reviews, I have to put the disclaimer that I am not a critic. I just listen to a lot of music and I like talking about it. I don't know any technical terms or anything. This is just a fan talking about why they love the music. On January 11th, Jon Walker released a new EP titled Impending Bloom. I have been a fan of Jon for a while and I have been keeping up with him on Twitter for at least the past few months. So I was waiting for this EP. I did not get to listen to the EP until the day after it came out, but I have listened to it more times than I can count and I love it. As per usual, I will try to include the videos in the post, but if I cannot insert the videos, they will be link

Untitled #10 [Writing #25]

My writing is back! Kind of. I won't post as often as I used to, but whenever I write something I'll share it. This is just a simple random one-shot that I just started writing. Words: 468 Sarah sat in her bed, scrolling through her Instagram. She barely remembered last night, but at least she wasn't hungover. A photo of her doing a keg stand grabbed her attention. Her best friend posted it. Of course, he did. "Shit." She opened the comments to see what people were saying about her. Most people were impressed and cheering her on, but then the comment from her pastor father made her smile drop. JohnMcKenzie68: I shouldn't be surprised and yet I'm still disappointed. Hope no one else from church sees this. Sarah sat up and called her best friend immediately. Oliver answered after the third ring. "Christ, Sarah. Don't you know how to text?" He asked, sounding annoyed. "Delete that picture. Now!" "Which one?" Oli

Random Update

I am working on more posts, but they're all music posts, so I don't want to post them all close together. I'm thinking about doing an Oscars prediction. Also, I want to start posting my writing again. I won't post my writing as much as I used to, which was once a week. It'll be as inspiration flows. To break up all the music posts I have, I'll post my writing sometime this week and I'll post my Oscar predictions sometime next week. Right now I think I'll post once or twice a week so there's constant content flowing. I really do appreciate the attention my blog has been getting. It means a lot that anyone reads my posts. I wish there was a way I could pay you back. Thank you so much. I've got so many music posts ready, but I want to keep up the diversity of this blog, but if you get a bunch of music posts back to back, I'm sorry. Music is the most important thing in my life and I spend the most time with it. Also, I am going to write a

My *DELAYED* Reaction to "The Bad List" by Z Berg and Ryan Ross

Heyo! It's been a minute. I was in Puerto Rico for the last three weeks of December. I didn't bring my laptop on the trip, hence my lack of posting. Then when I got home, I didn't have WiFi at home. But now I have WiFi, so I'll be working hard on my blog while I can. Last month we got blessed with new music from Set It Off, Gerard Way and Ryan Ross. I will talk about all of it, I promise. Today I'm talking about Ryan Ross' new song and that video. The song is titled "The Bad List" and it is a collaboration between Ryan and Z Berg. Full disclosure I was not familiar with Z Berg before this song, but I appreciate her now. Here's the video: Are you as shocked as I am that I got to actually insert the actual video for once? I think the song is considered a Christmas song, but I have been listening to it almost a month after Christmas. It's got a really pretty melody. The video is something. You see a man find a lifeless body on a beach


Heyo! I am back from vacation but I don't have wifi once again so I'm not sure when I will be able to post regularly. I will be writing posts on my laptop and saving them for when I have wifi. I'm writing this one on my phone. Things to look forward to: • My reaction to Set It Off's new music • My reaction to Jon Walker's new music • My first time in Puerto Rico • Kinda Review of Set It Off's new album when it comes out And a bunch of other things I have planned that I can't remember off the top of my head right now. I'm going to try to post small simple things like this from my phone but we'll see.

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years! I wasn't planning on posting my annual New Year's post, but here we are. I'm writing this on December 5th, because I will not have my laptop anywhere near me till after New Year's since I'm going on vacation. I am not going to promise to post daily like I always do. It's been my New Year's resolution for the past 3 years in a row. I am just promising to post more. I am so glad November went mostly successful. I did post every day. I am hoping that since I took December off, I will be able to write better posts than the end of November posts. I have a few posts planned for 2019. So stay tuned. Everything I promised, but never posted yet, will be written and posted. I just need a break. Here are my new year resolutions: Post on my blog more Take CPR classes and get certified Get a job Listen to new music / Stop only listening to the same 6 bands Since it's 2019, we await the reunion of My Chemical Romance. I was planning o