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Showing posts from November, 2018

Fangirl Friday: Jackass Movie Franchise

Here it is! The post that I have taken way too long to write. Also, WE COMPLETED DAILY POSTINGS IN NOVEMBER AND I AM SO HAPPY! I am going to be talking about the Jackass movies today because it is my favorite film franchise of all time. I have watched Jackass The Movie, Jackass Number Two, Jackass 2.5, Jackass 3D, Jackass 3.5, Bad Grandpa, Bad Grandpa .5 so many times it is probably ridiculous to a normal person, but these movies bring me so much joy. The Jackass squad is made up of Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Ryan Dunn, Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Wee-Man, Preston Lacy, Dave England, and Ehren McGhehey. There are a few others who are like the supporting in all of the movies like Jeff Tremaine, Spike Jonze and some others who for some reason I can't think of. The movies consist of the cast doing stupid stunts and pranks. The first film opens with the main cast speeding down a road in a giant shopping cart (shown below) and at the end of the road the cart is tripped and they

Just Talking About "Lucky People" By Waterparks

Consider this a kinda review of a song. Today, I'm talking about "Lucky People" by Waterparks which is becoming one of my favorite songs of all time. I've been listening to "Lucky People" a lot lately. I wrote about the song on my kinda review of Waterparks' album, Entertainment. And I still very much love the song. If anything I love it more now than when I first got into the band and when I wrote the kinds review post. In the post I wrote: I love everything about the music video. I love everything about this song. On my Waterparks post, I said this was my favorite song at the time. It's such a cute song. Do you need a cute love song to send to your significant other? Send this. It's my most played song off the album. I don't plan on getting married, but if it ever happens, catch this being the song I dance to at my wedding with my future spouse. Just saying. That is how much I love this song. It's from the point of view of a pers

Let Me Be Honest

Hi. I'm going to be honest. I did have a post for today, but it isn't my best work. It's a half-assed post so I am not going to post it until I've had more time to work on it. I don't want to post a crappy post on this blog. So you get this instead. My motivation still is slowly dying, but I am determined to finish daily posting in November. I had a really bad night and I was going to work on the post and just post it later tonight, but I didn't get any sleep so you get this short little update/apology. I am so sorry. I am trying. I am going to be open and honest. I have mentioned my depression and anxiety and it's gotten very bad recently, but today I was prescribed an anti-depressant that will hopefully help me. I don't know. We'll see. I think I am going to take December off completely unless I feel inclined to write a post. Like maybe if Gerard Way drops a new song before I leave for vacation. I am sorry that this post is late,

Casually Screaming About Dallon Weekes

This is a post way overdue, but I couldn't think of something else to write about today. Today I'm casually screaming about Dallon Weekes. I have been a fan of Dallon's for years. He is someone I consider a hero and someone that I very much admire. I don't even remember what year exactly that I became a fan of his. I know it was when he was with Panic! at the Disco, but it was definitely after 2012. I mentioned in my post about Panic! at the Disco, that I did not know he was a member of Panic! for a while. I watched numerous videos of Spencer Smith and Brendon Urie and I listened to Vices & Virtues religiously, but I didn't know Dallon was a part of that. It was my ignorance. He came to my attention one day on Instagram. Someone posted a photo of him and his daughter with a caption saying something similar to "Imagine Dallon picking up his daughter from school" and let me tell you I have a weakness for dad types. Despite me not wanting

Keep Moving Forward

I have been feeling really down lately. I didn't want to skip a day, so I thought I'd post a quick little post today. I'm sorry. I'm so close to finishing November with daily posts. I just have been feeling really down lately and I don't have the motivation to do normal posts. I am trying. I am, but it's hard. I will probably write more quick posts like this or if they are entertainment related, they won't be as long as normal. Again, I am sorry. I wish I wasn't feeling like this, but what can you do when you're too poor to afford good mental health care? You just gotta take every day as it comes. There's a chance that tomorrow I may feel better, but don't count on it. No joke, I have had Waterparks' "Lucky People" on repeat for the past hour. It's such a simple, yet wonderful song. I just haven't been feeling well, mentally lately. I haven't really written anything in two weeks. In the past three years, my

My Reaction to Set It Off's New Song "Lonely Dance"

My history with Set It Off goes waaaay back. I have been a fan since the beginning. I can remember a time where a simple Google search of Set It Off didn't let me find them easily. I'll write a post about them obviously, but I've been a fan for a while. Today, I'm talking about their newest song, "Lonely Dance". The song was released on Nov. 19. I'm a bit late but better late than never. Since I can't insert the music video, enjoy this photo of the band. I CAN'T INSERT THE MUSIC VIDEO SO IT'S LINKED HERE I'll be honest. I fell off the bandwagon for a short time and I didn't actually listen to their last album until recently. I still supported them in spirit. Just stopped listening to them for a while, but I'm back and I still love them now as much as I loved them the first time I ever heard their music. "Lonely Dance" was my welcome back song. I hadn't listened to them in over two years - no including the v

Kinda Review: 1981 Extended Play - I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME EP

Today, I am talking about I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME's EP, 1981 Extended Play. I'm sorry it took so long for this post to come out, but here it is! Again, as I have to say in all my Kinda Reviews, I am not a music critic. I just like listening to music and talking about it. I have listened to this EP, so many times. I learned all the songs the first day it was out. I was able to see them perform the EP live. It's so good. If you get a chance go see iDKHow live. The EP is good and I cannot wait for the full-length album. This is the first music post where I was able to insert all of the videos necessary and that makes me so happy. 1."Introduction" It's only 33 seconds long and it's the intro to the album, but I love it. iDKHow is going for a certain aesthetic with the EP and the music videos and the intro helps with that. I won't write a whole paragraph about this track. They need to make a real follow along book for this EP. I w

Some Short Ramblings

Heyo! I originally wanted to write a post today about how my Thanksgiving went, but honestly, it was so boring so I'll spare you. I am writing this post late, so I'll keep it short. I just started watching Narcos: Mexico because I am a huge fan of Diego Luna. It's really good so far. I think the writing is great. Once I've binged the first season, I'll write a post about it. Tomorrow, I am aiming to have the Kinda Review for iDKHow's new EP, but I have plans today, so if I am unable to complete it before Saturday 9am/6am, you'll get another stupid short rambling post like that. Being that I'm back into wanting to watch all of Diego Luna's filmography, even though I have gone through it again, he'll probably be the subject of a casually screaming post soon. Also, I started watching Adam Ruins Everything. Thank you, Netflix, for finally putting it on. Things to look forward to in the near future (planned for next week): Kinda Review:

Happy Thanksgiving! Here's a List of What I'm Thankful For

Why not do a cliche post on Thanksgiving that most bloggers are also doing? Today and tomorrow will be more personal posts. We'll be back to regular casual screaming and kinda reviewing on Saturday. So let me talk about what I am grateful for. I am grateful for my family. My parents, my brothers, my grandmother, my aunt, and uncle and my three cousins. I have a much bigger family, but these are the ten that means the most to me. We all may never see eye to eye, but we all love and support each other no matter what. I am grateful for my best friends who I met when I went away for college. And even though I didn't get to finish college, I am grateful for the two years I was able to complete. I am grateful for most of the people I met in college because most people have had a good influence on me. I am grateful that my family is able to afford to have Thanksgiving this year. I am so grateful for this blog and everyone who reads my posts. It means the absolute world to me.

Kinda Review: MANIA - Fall Out Boy Album

Hi and welcome to another "Kinda Review". I am not a music critic at all. I just listen to a lot of music and like talking about it. Today, I'm talking about Fall Out Boy's 2018 album, MANIA. Now, I understand that people's feelings about the new album differ. Some, like me, love it while others hate it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I absolutely love the album. It is my most played album of all the new albums of 2018. I can't even pinpoint why I love this album more than the others, I just do. In most of my "Kinda Reviews" I go through the lyrics of the song, and I don't think I'll do much of that in this one, because analyzing the lyrics take too much time and I'm not trying to take three days to write this post, like for the Waterparks Kinda Review. With that said, I will point out my favorite lines in the song. This is very overdue, being that MANIA came out in January, and this is going up in November. I'm s

Looking Forward to Thanksgiving and Plans for December (Plus Rambling)

Heyo! Consider this a filler post because I really had no idea what to post for today. I am writing this just a few hours before it goes live. I wanted to finish writing my Kinda Review post about Fall Out Boy's new album MANIA and have that up today, but I still have three more songs to "Kinda Review" and I don't want to rush through that post. I am trying to figure out how December is going to go. I do want to keep up posting daily, however, in December I am going to Puerto Rico on Christmas vacation. I am going to visit family. Some who I haven't seen in years and some I have never met. And let me tell you, every person I have mentioned my trip to that isn't family or my best friends have asked me the same things. All regarding how Puerto Rico is doing following Hurricane Maria and the disappointing lack of aid from the United States. Remember Puerto Rico is a US Territory. Puerto Ricans are Americans. But I don't want to get into the politics a

Casual Screaming About Shane Dawson

Hey! What's up you guys, yes! Today, we're talking about one of my favorite YouTubers, Shane Dawson! I've written posts about him before and I'll link them at the end of the post if you want to check it out. I know, it's a shocker when I'm not writing about music on my blog at this point. Being that Shane very frequently posts videos on YouTube, I was shocked to learn how hard it is to find recent photos of him on Google. I have been watching Shane for over ten years now. I've been following him since around the time he started on YouTube. I have been there for everything. Every scandal, every single video. Everything. I am not going to talk about his scandals in this post, because I don't think that's necessary. Shane is someone I admire and look up to. For a short time, I did try to be a YouTuber. I gave up after like eleven videos. But Shane is a hero of mine because he has overcome so much and continues to keep going. His videos have cha

My Reaction to Gerard Way's New Song "Getting Down The Germs"

We have been blessed recently with two new songs from Gerard Way. Last month, we got "Baby You're a Haunted House" and this month we have "Getting Down the Germs" and I am beyond ecstatic. You can listen to it below. Gerard is one of my singers. Following the breakup of My Chemical Romance, I did keep up with him. I absolutely love "Hesitant Alien" and I remember when it came out, how happy I was for new music from Gerard. Last month "Baby You're a Haunted House" was a treat because no one was ready for it and it is such a bop. And now with "Getting Down the Germs" I am so happy. I found out about it in the car on the way home, but I have finally been able to sit down and listen to it a few times and I love it. The song has such a chill vibe. There's a whole flute solo that I absolutely love. The sound reminds me of a band, but for some reason, I can't put my finger on which one. Gerard's voice is so nice and

My First Concert Experience - Seeing Waterparks and IDKHow Live!

I'm sorry this took me so long to write. My brain still doesn't fully accept that it happened. This past Sunday I got to attend my first real concert. Every show I've been to before has been a Christian concert, no joke. I've seen Newsboys and Unhindered twice. I recently got lucky enough to have money at the same time a band I love went on tour. I was able to buy tickets to Waterparks' Entertainment Tour: North America. And let me say that was the best night of my life. I had so much fun. I'M GONNA BE REAL HONEST HERE! Waterparks is the headlining band on this tour and you know I love them, but I did not originally want to buy tickets to go on this tour until I saw that I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME was opening for them. I lost my mind. Dallon Weekes is my hero. I have been a fan and supported him for six(ish) years. I never thought I would ever be able to see him live, but I was finally able to. I bought the tickets the day they went on sale.

Fangirl Friday: Brendon Urie

Today, we're talking about my Lord and Savior, Brendon Urie. Hold for all of my religious family member's angry text messages. No, but seriously, Brendon Urie is one of my favorite people in the world. He is one of my heroes and someone I admire and his music has helped me through some of the darkest times of my life. It took all of my self-control not to save 500 photos of him when finding pictures to put in this post. He is a very pretty man. He's always been pretty, but specifically his glow-up from Pretty. Odd. to Pray for the Wicked is a whole miracle. If you don't know who Brendon Urie is, he is the lead singer of Panic! at the Disco. And he is the only current official member of the band. I wrote about Panic! a few weeks ago, which you can find here . Before I gush about how much I love him, we have to take a moment to talk about his voice. HIS VOICE! I wrote about my favorite singers ranked in this post and he ranked #2, but second only to Remington Lei