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My First Concert Experience - Seeing Waterparks and IDKHow Live!

I'm sorry this took me so long to write. My brain still doesn't fully accept that it happened.

This past Sunday I got to attend my first real concert. Every show I've been to before has been a Christian concert, no joke. I've seen Newsboys and Unhindered twice.
I recently got lucky enough to have money at the same time a band I love went on tour. I was able to buy tickets to Waterparks' Entertainment Tour: North America. And let me say that was the best night of my life. I had so much fun.

I'M GONNA BE REAL HONEST HERE! Waterparks is the headlining band on this tour and you know I love them, but I did not originally want to buy tickets to go on this tour until I saw that I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME was opening for them. I lost my mind. Dallon Weekes is my hero. I have been a fan and supported him for six(ish) years. I never thought I would ever be able to see him live, but I was finally able to.

I bought the tickets the day they went on sale. It was a struggle and I almost gave up, because I don't know if the website crashed or what happened, but the struggle was real that day. I was able to buy the tickets and I was so excited.

The day of the show came and I shockingly didn't have any anxiety that day. I wasn't planning on meeting anyone, so my anxiety stayed away. My dad and I got to the venue and picked up our tickets. Yes, I dragged my dad with me because even though I am an adult, I can't drive, plus my dad likes music and when I first introduced him to Waterparks he really liked them. He also had a good time at the show.

I tried to take some photos during the show, but none came out clear. I think my dad took pictures. If I get my hands on those, I'll post them on Instagram and link it at the end of this post.

The show began with Dewayne Jackson. He was on my radar because I clearly remember when Awsten Knight posted about seeing him and added him to the tour a little late into the game. But he was so good. I am not the biggest fan of rap. I am VERY picky about what I listen to, but Dewayne was so good. He's got a new fan. I almost didn't want his set to end, he is THAT good.

The second performance was Nick Gray. I wasn't familiar with him before the show and I'll be honest and say I'm wasn't the biggest fan of his set. I think he's talented, his music is just not my cup of tea. I hope no one gets offended. That's just my opinion. But he is a really nice person because after the show he was talking to fans outside the venue and I admire that.

The third act was Super Whatevr. When they took the stage, before they even started playing music, I got Weezer vibes from them. As soon as they started playing, I became an instant fan. I am upset that I never looked them up before. I don't know how to explain their style. Think super hipster Weezer. At least that's how I feel. Other people might disagree, but they are so good.
The fourth act, who I mostly came for was IDKHow. No amount of prep could have prepared me for this performance, but I was beyond ecstatic. I could not believe I was finally seeing these guys who I have been obsessed with the whole year. As soon as their EP came out, I had it on repeat so I'd know the songs for when I saw them. I sang my heart out that night. They were so much better than I anticipated. Ryan's drums lit up and it was just so amazing. None of the show photos came out, but I caught two amazing/iconic photos of Dallon and Ryan which I'll include above and below.
IDKHow's set was so good. I don't think in my 21 years of life that I've ever been THAT hyped for anyone. Hearing the songs from the EP live was so great. They opened with "No One Likes the Opening Band" which was so great. Dallon changed the lyrics in "Choke" that goes "I'll break your pretty face" to "I'll break your f***ing face" and when I say the audience went wild, I mean people lost their minds at that. I did too. Not gonna lie. Dallon's voice is so good live. Dallon's interaction with the audience is very good. He adopted the whole audience for the night. Both Dallon and Ryan have such an amazing stage presence. I still can't fully wrap my head around the fact that I got to see IDKHow live. I feel like this is a dream I'm going to wake up from any day. They put on a hell of a show.

After IDKHow's set was Waterparks. I wasn't ready for this set either. My dad recorded me jamming to "TANTRUM" and I just saw the video for the first time and wow. I am so cringey, but I had a good time so I don't care.

When they took down the IDKHow banner to reveal the Waterparks banner, I looked at my dad and said "they're God's favorite boyband" and he replied "but what God because it's lowercase" and well, boys, you have some explaining to do.

Waterparks' set was so good. They have such an amazing stage presence between the three of them that it's amazing how much energy was going through the entire venue between the band and the audience. I love Awsten's stage banter. It's the biggest reason I watch videos of them live on YouTube and it was one of my favorite parts of the show. I love when he told people that if they have things to give the band to just throw them on stage and I appreciated his live reaction to some of the gifts and art.

Waterparks played a song that wasn't released in the US, "What We Do For Fun" and all I'm saying is that if they release that song for us, they can have all my money. I mean they already have all my money, I bought a tour hoodie, but I will buy that song if they release it for the US. It's such a good song.

I sang along to every song in IDKHow and Waterparks' sets and I ended up losing my voice by the end of the night, but the fun didn't stop there. I decided to wait outside in hopes of seeing and meeting them. The original idea was I didn't want to meet anyone because I'm awkward, but I was so hyped by the end of the night. I stood in the freezing cold for them. Their tour manager, Lucas, is a really nice guy and I hope he knows how appreciated he is by fans.

Dewayne Jackson, Nick Gray and Super Whatevr were all really sweet and talking to people who were waiting. The lead singer of Super Whatevr, gave away his M&Ms. That was really nice of him.

Geoff came out after a while and hugged everyone who stayed and took pictures with everyone. I took a selfie with him, but I suck at taking photos so it came out crappy, but hey. At least I got a photo with him.
Geoff is so nice. The whole "Geoff is a nice boy" thing is all fact. He's adorable. Fans were asking him about his daughter and you could tell by the way he talks about her that he loves her and he loves being a dad.

Geoff stood outside for a while and talked to everyone. Then Otto came out and took photos. This time I didn't take a selfie, I asked someone to take my photo.
As I was taking a photo with Otto, Dallon and Ryan came out and I missed them by two minutes because I took a photo of Otto with another fan. I didn't get a photo with Dallon because the time I got to him, Lucas was telling everyone to get back on the bus, but Dallon and I had a moment that almost killed me.

I had my phone in hand, trying to get a quick selfie, but I couldn't so he grabbed my other hand, looked me in the eyes and apologized, but thanked me for coming and let me just say, that man is so beautiful that when I got in the car I cried. I mean I cried because I still got to meet Dallon Weekes who means the world to me. He means so much to me, I can't even put it into words. I just love him and his music so much. That few seconds, was so simple, but it meant the world to me.

I never ever thought I'd ever be able to see Dallon live, but I got to see him live and I got to meet him. And that is truly the reason why 11/11/18 became the best night of my life. Just thinking about it makes me so happy. I can't believe how lucky I am.

If you have the chance, please buy tickets to this tour. Go. Have fun. If you can't get tickets - which I understand, because I got lucky - support the artists! Everyone on this tour is so good.

A big shout out to CrankThatFrank because if he never did a video with Awsten, I would have never found out about Waterparks and I would have never been able to go to this show.

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  1. Thank you for sharing the tips and knowledge! This is so helpful and informative! You gave me more insight on this. I would love to see more updates from you.

    Concert Space for Live Music

    1. Thank you for your comment! I don't go to a lot of live shows but when I do I'll definitley post more things like this one.


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