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Fangirl Friday: Brendon Urie

Today, we're talking about my Lord and Savior, Brendon Urie. Hold for all of my religious family member's angry text messages.
No, but seriously, Brendon Urie is one of my favorite people in the world. He is one of my heroes and someone I admire and his music has helped me through some of the darkest times of my life. It took all of my self-control not to save 500 photos of him when finding pictures to put in this post. He is a very pretty man. He's always been pretty, but specifically his glow-up from Pretty. Odd. to Pray for the Wicked is a whole miracle.

If you don't know who Brendon Urie is, he is the lead singer of Panic! at the Disco. And he is the only current official member of the band. I wrote about Panic! a few weeks ago, which you can find here.
Before I gush about how much I love him, we have to take a moment to talk about his voice. HIS VOICE! I wrote about my favorite singers ranked in this post and he ranked #2, but second only to Remington Leith. But in my honest opinion, Brendon has one of the best voices in music right now. I can listen to him sing anything. He can sell himself singing the ABC's and I'd buy it. No joke. His voice is why Panic! at the Disco held the #1 spot as my favorite band for a long time. Until recently when Palaye Royale took their spot.

But I just love Brendon's voice. I can clearly remember the first time I heard "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" on the radio. I was sitting in the back seat of my dad's blue Honda Civic and it came on the radio and I was like "wow, I really like this guy's voice". Didn't know Panic! at the Disco was a thing. Didn't know who the voice belonged to. Just knew that I loved that guy's voice. Every time "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" came on, I sang along and fell more in love with Brendon's voice.

And let us not forget that high note in "Say Amen (Saturday Night)". Brendon Boyd Urie is an ICON.

I'll include him singing "This is Gospel" below.
Quick random thing. Mid-writing this post, something came up that very much upset and annoyed me, but I watched a video of Brendon singing "I've Got the World on a String" - which is linked because everyone should be blessed - and I feel better. If Brendon wanted to do an album where he covered songs from the "Great American Songbook" I would support and buy it in a heartbeat

After hearing Brendon's voice on the radio for the first time, I didn't become a diehard fan because I was young and didn't have Google to look him up at the time. It wasn't until 2011 when I first saw the music video for "Ballad of Mona Lisa" that I fall in love with him, actually. Yes, I will admit it started as a huge crush. And I crushed hard. But I was 14/15 at the time. Don't hold it against me. I've definitely grown out of that crush, though I can admit, Brendon, in my opinion, is one of the most beautiful men in the world.

In 2012, I was a Freshman in high school and I lost both my grandfather and great uncle. At my grandfather's funeral, I remember having my headphones on the whole time and sitting at the back of the funeral parlor listening to Panic! at the Disco non-stop. Brendon's voice is very soothing and calming to me. It always has been and to this day I listen to Panic! when I need to calm down or just relax. That is when Panic! really became my favorite band. All thanks to Brendon's vocals mainly.
He is one of very few celebrities that I have followed past my initial obsession. But that's because Brendon means a lot to me. My brain associates him with happiness, all things good and safety. That is why I consider him one of my heroes. I admire him so much. Not just for his talent but for who he is. I used to watch his Periscope live streams and I loved how he would openly talk about his anxiety because I deal with anxiety, myself. For him to talk about dealing and overcoming it inspires me to try to overcome my anxiety.

I've mentioned before on this blog that I am a proud queer, and Brendon came out as pansexual a few months ago. The day he came out and I cried and texted my best friend who is also a queer and a fan of Panic!.  Brendon also has a charity, Highest Hopes Foundation. The foundation helps support human rights and fights discrimination and abuse. I am proud to be able to call Brendon one of my heroes and someone I look up to. He is an icon, an inspiration, a hero, and I know one day he'll be seen as a legend.
He is someone that never fails to impress me. I love every single Panic! at the Disco album. I don't have a favorite. But with Death of a Bachelor and Pray for the Wicked being the ones he's done as pretty much a solo act, have been so good. Death of a Bachelor came out when I was a Freshman in college and I listened to it a lot. And I was so looking forward to Pray for the Wicked and it didn't disappoint. Both albums are so freaking good.

If you haven't listened to Death of a Bachelor or Pray for the Wicked, GO LISTEN! Most of my life is telling people to listen to Panic! at the Disco. Do yourself the favor and stop living under a rock. Go listen to all of Panic! at the Disco's albums.

Also, can I quickly talk about Brendon's piano and flower tattoos on his arm? You can kind of see the piano tattoo on the picture below.
I love that tattoo SO MUCH. I can remember the first time I got a really good look at that tattoo because it was the first time I really wanted a tattoo. I want that one. I would like to get it for two reasons. The first being that it's a really nice tattoo and it just looks really good. The second being that Brendon means a lot to me as does music and for me. Music is such a huge part of my life. I am not a musician, myself, but I am almost never listening to music.

I mean just look at this blog. Most of my posts have something to do with music. Whether it's about an artist, or in the past when I used to write about Broadway a lot.

I also want to talk about the song "C'Mon" which is a song Panic! at the Disco did with Fun. and if you didn't know it existed, please feel free to thank me in the comments. Hearing Brendon's vocals with Nate Ruess' vocals is amazing and wonderful.
As a matter of fact, hearing "C'Mon" for the first time is what made me such a big fan of Fun. And to this day, I am still waiting on their next album. They never broke up. They're just on a super long hiatus. I think I found this song by accident on YouTube and to this day it's one of my favorite songs of all time because of Brendon and Nate's vocals. As I've mentioned before, I am a sucker for great singers.

I cannot write about Brendon Urie and not talk about his amazing cover of the Ducktales theme song. This video was iconic. I know it started a petition for Brendon to sing the theme for the actual Ducktales show that was rebooted recently. I don't think the petition succeeded, but it's the thought that counts It's a good cover. Here it is below:
I just have so much love for Brendon Urie. He is an icon. A hero. An amazingly talented and beautiful person. I very often jokingly call him my Lord and Savior, and even though most of the time it's just a joke, that is how I genuinely feel about him. He has saved me in some of the darkest times of my life and he continues to be the light in my life helping me keep going.

I hope one day to meet him and see Panic! at the Disco live. It probably won't happen for a while, but who knows. I never thought I would ever see Waterparks or IDKHow live, and I just saw them. I shouldn't give up hope.
I talk a lot about other people who I put in my #1 spot for my biggest hero and inspiration, but I think Brendon truly deserves that spot. He and Dallon Weekes are both neck and neck for that spot.

I know this post is already super long so I will stop gushing about Brendon. He just means the world to me and I have been looking forward to writing this post.

Check out Panic at the Disco, if you haven't yet. Support and love Brendon as I do.

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