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Looking Forward to Thanksgiving and Plans for December (Plus Rambling)

Heyo! Consider this a filler post because I really had no idea what to post for today. I am writing this just a few hours before it goes live.

I wanted to finish writing my Kinda Review post about Fall Out Boy's new album MANIA and have that up today, but I still have three more songs to "Kinda Review" and I don't want to rush through that post.

I am trying to figure out how December is going to go. I do want to keep up posting daily, however, in December I am going to Puerto Rico on Christmas vacation. I am going to visit family. Some who I haven't seen in years and some I have never met.

And let me tell you, every person I have mentioned my trip to that isn't family or my best friends have asked me the same things. All regarding how Puerto Rico is doing following Hurricane Maria and the disappointing lack of aid from the United States. Remember Puerto Rico is a US Territory. Puerto Ricans are Americans.

But I don't want to get into the politics around that. I try to keep politics off my blog because it's exhausting and quite disappointing.

I am not planning on taking my laptop on my trip, because though we'll be at a resort for the first week, most of the trip will take place at family member's homes and my great aunt doesn't have wifi. When I make my final decision, you'll definitely know. I'll post about it. I am going to try to queue up posts for December. If I don't do that, I'll try to figure something out.

I still have at least two weeks to decide so I have time. But you know what's happening this week? Thanksgiving!

I am not a big eater. I have the smallest stomach in human history and the pallet of a toddler. Seriously, I am an adult, but I am a picky eater because finding things that my taste buds enjoy is a whole mission. However, I am very much looking forward to this Thanksgiving. It'll be the first Thanksgiving where it's JUST my immediate family.

Though, I am a little stressed out because it'll just be my mom and me cooking. I'm a very novice cook. I am going to attempt Chrissy Teigen's cheesy jalapeno bacon cornbread which I am super excited for.

I am most likely going to write a post for Friday talking about how Thanksgiving went because it's going to just be my parents, my little brother and I. At least, as far as I know, it's just going to be us four. I haven't heard of anyone else joining.

Let's just hope I don't say anything that's going to insult my mother. I'll probably just talk about how much I want to see Set It Off on this coming up tour. I recently got back into Set It Off, they were a big part of my life when I was a freshman in high school and I listened to their first album religiously.

So expect posts about them soon and I am very much looking forward to their new album which comes in time for my birthday.

By the way, my birthday is Feb. 28. I'm going to be twenty-two. If you care and remember, just email me photos of someone you know I stan, or come say hi on any of my social media accounts. You can find them in the sidebar of this blog.

In middle school my birthday was ALWAYS overshadowed by Justin Bieber, whose birthday is March 1.

But you know what, I take pride in my birthday because I share it with QUEEN Bernadette Peters, Brian Jones, Pat Monahan, Jake Bugg, Sarah Bolger, AND Robert Sean Leonard who plays Wilson in House and is my favorite House character and an actor I admire and I JUST found that out as I am writing this and that makes me so happy.

RSL now is tied with Brian Jones as my favorite birthday twin. No joke, since 2013, I have posted and said happy birthday to Brian Jones every year. Even though he is no longer with us, I still stan and say happy birthday to him. I know he was a very problematic person, but honestly, most of my favorite people are problematic.

As a matter of fact, I think the only people who is a fave of mine that is not problematic is Dallon Weekes and John Tartaglia. They are the ONLY ones.

I'm going to end it here because it is almost 4am and I need to sleep. I hope you enjoyed my random rambling. If you'd like more rambling posts like this, let me know. If not I'll keep to writing about things I love.

Also let it be known that I've had "Champion" by Fall Out Boy on repeat the whole time I've been writing this because I was going to try to finish the Kinda Review of MANIA, but I figured now is not a good time to try to rush through and I just didn't take the song off repeat because it's so good.

That's all I've got for you guys today. I'll try to finish the Kinda Review so I can post it tomorrow. Thursday's post will be a "what I'm grateful for" post because I'm here for cliches.

ALSO LAST THING: Thank you so much for the support on this blog. It means the world to me. We hit 30 views on a post recently and that blew my mind so thank you. I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but the fact that ANYONE reads my blog means a lot. This started off two years ago as a hobby and outlet and now I am actually trying to make something out of it.

Thank you.


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