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Keep Moving Forward

I have been feeling really down lately. I didn't want to skip a day, so I thought I'd post a quick little post today.

I'm sorry. I'm so close to finishing November with daily posts. I just have been feeling really down lately and I don't have the motivation to do normal posts. I am trying. I am, but it's hard.

I will probably write more quick posts like this or if they are entertainment related, they won't be as long as normal.

Again, I am sorry. I wish I wasn't feeling like this, but what can you do when you're too poor to afford good mental health care? You just gotta take every day as it comes. There's a chance that tomorrow I may feel better, but don't count on it.

No joke, I have had Waterparks' "Lucky People" on repeat for the past hour. It's such a simple, yet wonderful song.

I just haven't been feeling well, mentally lately. I haven't really written anything in two weeks. In the past three years, my writing droughts are more frequent which is bad because for me writing is an outlet that I use to vent or pick myself up and I haven't been able to do that which is bad.

I will say, despite feeling like this I will not give up. I will keep up with this blog as much as I can. I will keep fighting, If you are going through a hard time, don't give up.

There is always light at the end of the dark tunnel. Remember that. It might be a long tunnel and you may feel trapped like there's no getting out, but just keep going.

In the words of Walter Elias Disney:
Keep moving forward.
Please watch this clip from Meet the Robinsons below. PLEASE!


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