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Casually Screaming About Dallon Weekes

This is a post way overdue, but I couldn't think of something else to write about today. Today I'm casually screaming about Dallon Weekes.
I have been a fan of Dallon's for years. He is someone I consider a hero and someone that I very much admire.

I don't even remember what year exactly that I became a fan of his. I know it was when he was with Panic! at the Disco, but it was definitely after 2012.

I mentioned in my post about Panic! at the Disco, that I did not know he was a member of Panic! for a while. I watched numerous videos of Spencer Smith and Brendon Urie and I listened to Vices & Virtues religiously, but I didn't know Dallon was a part of that. It was my ignorance.
He came to my attention one day on Instagram. Someone posted a photo of him and his daughter with a caption saying something similar to "Imagine Dallon picking up his daughter from school" and let me tell you I have a weakness for dad types. Despite me not wanting kids I still for some reason like dad types. I had to be fifteen-ish.

Anyway, after seeing that photo, I was determined to find out who he was. The account that posted the photo was a Panic! at the Disco fan account, but I didn't know he was in Panic! at the Disco, so I just went to the Dallon Weekes tag on Instagram and it all started coming together.

I Googled him and for some reason, I saw a bunch of pictures of the groom in the "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" music video. Then I kept trying to find out more about him. Then I started seeing Tweets of people pointing him out on the Vices & Virtues album cover
He's the person in the mask standing behind Brendon if you didn't know. That's when I realized oh, he's another member of Panic! at the Disco. Then I had a brief obsession with him until I learned that he is a married family man and the obsession died because I respect boundaries.

I may be a fangirl, but I respect relationships!

I think Dallon being a member of Panic! when I found out about him was a huge plus because as I have mentioned, Panic! was my favorite band for a huge chunk of my life. And they are still a band I love listening to and will always support.

So that's the how I found Dallon story. Ever since it's been constant love and support towards him and everything he does. I bought his solo album TWOMINCVRS on Bandcamp. It was actually the FIRST digital album I ever bought I take pride in that. I'm pretty sure it's my most played album that I own.
I have many heroes, the three biggest being Dallon, Brendon Urie and Paul McCartney. But Dallon has been the brightest light in some of my darkest times. I've mentioned on this blog before that I deal with depression and anxiety on a regular basis. In some of the worst times, I have listened to TWOMINCVRS or a song by the Brobecks. I have programmed my brain to calm itself when I hear Dallon's voice. Whether he's singing on a track or I'm watching an interview. It's one of my best ways of coping.

If you haven't listened to the Brobecks, do yourself the favor and look them up on YouTube. I know they have an album on Spotify, but you're better off looking them up on YouTube.
Don't even get me started on his iconic Vines and Snapchat stories.

Dallon actually was the biggest reason I started really wanting to see Panic! at the Disco live. Sure I was a fan of Panic! for years, but I never really wanted to see them live. I was a poor kid who was okay with never seeing my favorite artist live as long as I got to listen to their music. But I wanted to see Panic! because of Dallon. I wanted to see him play live.

I never got to see Panic! live, and when he left I was both excited and sad. Sad because he was no playing with my favorite band, but excited because I knew he was going to be doing other music stuff. And I was right!

Now he is performing in iDKHow. Currently, iDKHow is on tour with Waterparks and some other artists. I actually got to see them live on Nov. 11.
Let me tell you, I'm a Waterparks fan, but I wasn't planning on going to their show even though I had money, but then they announce that iDKHow was going to be opening for them and I was like when am I ever going to get the opportunity to see one of my heroes life? When?

So I bought tickets the day they went on sale and I was just so excited. I never thought in a million years I would ever be able to see Dallon live and I did. I did. And it was amazing. Both he and his bandmate, Ryan Seaman, put on a hell of a show and I really want to see them again. They can have all of my money.

I waited after the show, in hopes to see Waterparks. And I did meet Geoff Winginton and Otto Woods, but then Dallon and Ryan came out at the actual last minute and I got to meet Dallon. Not formally. It was a few short seconds, but he grabbed my hand, looked me in the eyes, and apologized that he had to rush off and thanked me for coming to the show and that is the single greatest moment of my life.

When I got into the car afterward I cried. It was all much, but in a good way. He did not even have to acknowledge me because I did get there too late, but he did. 

And yes, Dallon Weekes is more beautiful in person. Even the crappy streetlights let me see his gorgeous blue eyes. The man is very attractive. Like I am still in shock.

And he just gives off the best vibes.
He just means so much to me. And I still can't believe I got to see him perform AND I got to meet him. And I hope I do get to see him live again.

If you have a chance to see iDKHow live, go see them. They are amazing. Go listen to their new EP, 1981 Extended Play. Love them. Support them.

I cannot wait for their full-length album. I will support them till the day I die.

Fun fact, back in 2016 I made an Instagram account as a fan page for Dallon because I felt he was being underappreciated by the Panic! at the Disco fandom. The account is still up and I post on it daily. You can find it here. It's just a fan account and an outlet for me to talk about all the bands I love. It's mostly been taken over by Waterparks posts at the moment, but that'll change soon.

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