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Kinda Review: 1981 Extended Play - I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME EP

Today, I am talking about I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME's EP, 1981 Extended Play. I'm sorry it took so long for this post to come out, but here it is!

Again, as I have to say in all my Kinda Reviews, I am not a music critic. I just like listening to music and talking about it.
I have listened to this EP, so many times. I learned all the songs the first day it was out. I was able to see them perform the EP live. It's so good. If you get a chance go see iDKHow live. The EP is good and I cannot wait for the full-length album.

This is the first music post where I was able to insert all of the videos necessary and that makes me so happy.
It's only 33 seconds long and it's the intro to the album, but I love it. iDKHow is going for a certain aesthetic with the EP and the music videos and the intro helps with that. I won't write a whole paragraph about this track. They need to make a real follow along book for this EP. I will pay top dollar for it.
2. "Choke"
I know there is speculation around who this song is about. And I'd like to talk about that speculation in a later blog post, but not here. This is one of my favorite songs ever. I love the bitter aggression in the song. I relate, as a person full of bitterness. It is definitely my favorite iDKHow song at the moment. That will probably change when the bamd (not an error) releases more music. I know it was mentioned that every song on this EP is related in some way, but I am still trying to figure it out. I haven't looked into any theories yet, but maybe when I do I'll write a post about it. Again with my theme of lyric tattoos, I really love "choke yourself to sleep". Or maybe I'll get it as a bumper sticker if I ever learn how to drive and get myself a car. When I first heard this song, I immediately knew and appreciated that its a song that came from a place of anger. I love songs like this. We get love and heartbreak songs, but we rarely get songs from anger. It's why "TANTRUM" and "Little Violence" are two of my favorite Waterparks songs.
3. "Social Climb"
I clearly remember hearing this for the first time when the EP dropped and immediately falling in love with it. I thought this was going to be my favorite song off the EP. It is a song I really enjoy listening to. All of the songs are GREAT, but this one is in the top off this EP. And let me tell you, I never realized the "Woah-oh-oh-oh" in the chorus, until I saw them live and they had the audience sing that part and now whenever I listen to the song, I think of the show and get really happy. Seriously, if you get the chance to see them live, DO IT! I love the horns in this song. I love the chorus. Of course, I have to shout out Dallon's vocals. What is a Kinda Review without my talking about the singer's voice? His voice on recordings is nice and his voice live is nice. All in all, Dallon Weekes has a really nice voice. But I would also like to shout out Ryan and his drumming and his very nice drumkit that I fell in love with because it lights up.
4. "Bleeding Magic"
This was the last song the bamd released before they dropped the EP and I played it off the hook. I am on dishes duty in my house and I play this in the kitchen every time. And I'm not gonna lie, but the song and title made me think of Elfo in Disenchanted on Netflix. Elfo is a magical elf in the show that they constantly collect his blood for magic. This song most likely has nothing to do with Disenchanted, but that's just what my brain when to when I first heard the song. I included the lyric video above. I really love the aesthetic of this bamd and EP. To add to my lyric tattoos is "Lonely little life". This song is a big bop. Every song on this album is a bop, but this one specifically is a BIG bop.
5. "Absinthe"
Let me tell you that the day before the EP came out, I found the iDKHow number that is one some of the posters and it plays a clip of this song and I cried. I was so happy I cried. I am not ashamed to admit that. I love this bamd so much. They make great music and both Ryan and Dallon mean a lot to me. I do really love all of the people putting "I don't care what momma says" in this song against "Mama said..." in Panic! at the Disco's "High Hopes". I love the juxtaposition of the lyrics from both songs. This song is a bop and when I finally heard it, I was torn over which song I loved more this, or "Social Climb" in the end, I love every song on this EP and I really cannot choose a favorite, though I am leaning towards "Choke". I know the bamd has said that even though the song is titled "Absinthe" and says it in the song, it's not talking about the alcohol drink.
6. "Do It All The Time"
Aha! I got to insert the music video into the post for once! I cannot even tell you how hyped I was when this song and video came out. I was so excited for the video and it came out so well. A screenshot from the video is actually my Twitter banner. Also to all the people who were trying to start drama just because Dallon used his suits from his days with Panic! on the mannequins can chill. that drama was so dumb and unnecessary. But I love this song. It's a dancy bop. It was the first iDKHow song I showed my dad and he liked it! He really did enjoy them live.

Bamd is not an error, it is a thing. iDKHow has refered to themselves as a bamd. It was probably a typo that they just owned. I don't know the whole story behind it, but now it's a thing.

If you haven't yet, go listen to 1981 Extended Play. I'll put the Spotify link here. Please support this bamd

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